Map & Tiles

Laddercaster’s map is 3 columns wide and 30 rows high, with each row representing a different “level”. A tile can either be a resource tile, crafting tile or legendary crafting tile. New characters spawn onto a random tile on the first row, with the first three tiles of every map being initialized as resource tiles. There are three types of resource tiles – fire, earth, and water. Moving to a resource tile requires burning of the resource associated with that tile. For example, moving to a fire tile requires the burning of fire resources. Moving to a crafting or legendary crafting tile is free.

Each tile has a “life” amount that is reduced by 1 every turn. The life of a tile signifies how long that specific tile will remain active before switching to the opposite type of tile (for example, when a resource tile’s life reaches 0, it will switch to a crafting tile). Crafting tiles always have a life of 1, while resource tiles have a life of 3-6. Newly generated tiles are determined to be resource or crafting tiles at random.

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